Musically Montessori:Are You Looking for Musical Activities for Movement on the Montessori "Line"?


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Walking on "The Line" is a foundational aspect of the Montessori method, and we begin offering this activity to little ones from the very beginning. 

I have always been impressed with Dr. Montessori's emphasis on The Line activities and their importance for musical development in the child.

Montessori wrote:
"Introduction to Music:  The preparation of the motor organs for rhythmical gymnastic exercises may be seen in the exercise called 'walking on the line,' through which children acquire a perfect sense of balance. At the same time they learn how to control the movements  of their hands and feet." The Absorbent Mind, by Maria Montessori. 1952 p.286            

I've written other Blog articles about musical movement on "The Line" because I love this part of being in a Montessori environment. Children need to move in order to learn and music just makes us want to move!

Here are a few of my other articles:
Musically Montessori First Lessons #3: Let's Begin with Walking on the Line and Add Some Challenges.

The Montessori Line: A Place for Movement (Obstacle Course and more!)

Africa Inspired Balance Beam Fun with the Montessori "Line"

Musically Montessori #2: A Little About the Two Marias and The Montessori Preschool Music Curriculum

You can get the entire series of my Musically Montessori First Lessons Curriculum ($12.99 value) for FREE simply by joining my email list. Right here on my sidebar!


Then, you will be the first to know when I publish a new blog article or offer special deals on my TpT products and Musically Montessori eCourses!

Below, you will find one of the bonus videos I have created for my upcoming Musically Montessori eCourse: "Part One: Preparing For The Course". 

In this Bonus Video #3, I explain:

  •  The importance of children walking on The Line daily
  •  What kinds of shelf works you can set up 
  •  How to create an area in your environment for children to do Montessori Line activities   

The first day of the eCourse is August 28th, 2016. That's just  three weeks away! 

And, if you want to enter my giveaway for a $100. Gift Certificate from West Music, there is just ONE MORE WEEK LEFT for doing that! Here's that link: Musically Montessori Giveaway.

My article is part of the "Montessori Monday Link-up" at the Living Montessori Now site, where you'll find amazing resources from Deb Chitwood and many Montessori educators world-wide! Here is that link: Montessori Monday.

Thanks again for visiting my blog and I would love to hear your thoughts so, please don't hesitate to leave a comment in the section below!

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