I know I have a penchant for the Outdoor Classroom, but anyone would fall in love with a prospective school for their child that had such a gorgeous entry you see the minute you get out of your car!
All photos taken by Carolyn at the Outdoor Classroom, Fountainhead Montessori School, Dublin CA
Then, there's the inviting beauty and fun as your happy child enters the Outdoor Classroom. Who wouldn't have fun here?!
Wait, there's even more! This Outdoor Classroom has a meeting place where the children are introduced to Botany, Zoology, Ecology, Natural History, Language Arts...just to mention a few of the curriculum areas offered for exploration. The Outdoor Classroom Circle time is an important opportunity for the teachers to enrich the experience of the children even more by presenting them with the latest activities being offered.
A whole lot of learning goes on with activities related to gardening in the Outdoor Classroom. Not only do the children derive great pleasure in growing things, they also greatly enjoy maintaining the garden as well. There is of course, the digging, planting, weeding, watering & all the nurturing that goes with growing a garden. (Little children love to sing songs to their little seedlings and that is probably why they grow so well in the Children's Garden)
There's also the great physical activity of wielding a WHEEL BARREL and also the important experience the children have with the RAIN BARREL for excellent water conservation!
We all know the importance of physical activity for children's optimal growth and development. Isn't that what the Outdoor Classroom is all about?! How about this idea for a wonderful nature-based activity for children to develop skills in balance and coordination: "Balance Beam Logs!"
Another fun and natural balance beam activity is pictured below. These "Arrange-able Tree Stumps" are lightweight so that the children can create a place to sit together or move together!
Every outdoor environment needs a place for children to rest and catch their breath. What could be a more calming & rejuvenating activity than to sit together at the "Nature Art" Play Table and arrange objects of nature!
Yes, I do teach music at this lovely school featured in these photos. This campus of the Fountainhead Montessori Schools in the S.F. Bay Area is actually located in a large business complex! Yet, with the recent addition of their fabulous Montessori Outdoor Classroom, you feel like you are far, far away from all the stresses of the business world!
The children who are lucky enough to attend this school get to experience nature in such an authentic way, even though they are steps away from busy offices and concrete parking lots!
If you haven't yet decided to put some time, effort and (yes) money into developing an Outdoor Classroom in your early childhood environment, then you might want to consider it! I was told that every prospective family who visits this featured school has commented very favorably on the Outdoor Classroom. An Outdoor Classroom just might add even more to your long waiting list to get in your school!
I hope you've enjoyed this little glimpse of a fun Outdoor Classroom! If you have, then you'll enjoy my upcoming post with an interview with Ms Mary, the "genius" behind this amazing outdoor environment. She'll be telling me all about her amazing Outdoor Classroom curriculum that the parents are raving about. (The children are raving too!)
You can check out my many past posts on the Outdoor Classroom by clicking here: Carolyn's Blog: OUTDOORS.
I would love to hear from you, so please don't be shy about leaving a comment or two below. It is fun for me to exchange ideas and get to know what you think!
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