Montessori Baby-Ed "Nido" Basket #4 Part 2: The Lessons

WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE TEN IDEAS FOR MONTESSORI STYLE ACTIVITIES FOR YOUR 4 MONTH OLD? Then, please read on! This is Part Two of the "Nido" Basket #4 from my Montessori Baby-Ed eCourse that will be available in Spring of 2017. CLICK HERE to view Part One: the video /"Vlog".

Montessori Baby-Ed: The Arts and Your Baby
 Nido Basket #4: The Lessons

Baby Yoga Art Cards from I Believe in Montessori TpT Shop 


By four months of age, Baby is moving with a purpose and moving all the time, of course. S/he is bringing everything within reach to the mouth, and s/he is probably moving the legs so strenuously that s/he will eventually turn herself over!

Photo from Adobe Stock

Baby’s developing muscles are enabling her to move and grasp with intention!

Take a peak at what I have included in the
 "Nido" Basket for the fourth month of 
the Montessori Baby-Ed series.

1.    Change the Instrument Picture in Baby’s frame to The French Horn (HERE's the LINK)
2.    Woodstock Percussion Chime Bar and Mallet (HERE's the LINK)
3.    Wooden Bell Tactile Mobile (HERE's the LINK)
4.    Seashore Treasure Basket (HERE's the LINK)
5.    Bell/ball Rolling Toy (HERE's the LINK)
6.    Wooden 2-Hand Teether/Grasping Toy (HERE's the LINK)
7.    Black & White Board Book featuring Ocean (HERE's the LINK)
8.    First Doll Rattle (HERE's the LINK)
9.    Sensory Sounds Ball (HERE's the LINK)
10. Sensory Cube (HERE's the LINK)

Lesson 1. Change the Picture in the Frame from Nido Basket 1
(Instrument Cards and Frame from MichaelOlaf Company)

1.  Change the picture in the frame from Nido Basket #1.  Slip the photo of the French Horn in the frame and hang the framed picture at Baby’s eye level to stimulate Baby’s developing sense of sight. (ex: changing table) SEE "Nido Basket" #1 for complete explanation.

2.  While changing Baby, give her the vocabulary: “French Horn” …”Brass” etc. (There’s a whole lot of useful information written on the back of the picture about the musical instrument, the French Horn.)

The French Horn is in the orchestral family of Brass instruments. That is why I included the chime bar in the basket this month. (see below) Even though the chime bar is a percussion instrument, the metal tube/rod of the chime bar has a nice resonance that vibrates through the metal rod.

3.  If you happen to play French Horn, it would be nice for Baby to hear you play a little tune for her. If you don’t have a French Horn in the home, you can play recorded music for Baby that features a French Horn. Here’s a link to some nice music that features the French Horn: French Horn on Amazon digital music.(see PDF Download) 

4.  You can also alternate with a picture from the Van Gogh Packet. (Develops the aesthetic sense)

5. Observe Baby's reactions to these activities suggested above and adjust as you feel it is appropriate so that Baby is soothed rather than over-stimulated. (This respectful way of working with Baby instills in her a sense of self worth and trust in you. These are important to the social-emotional development in young children.)

LESSON #2. Play the Chime Bars for Baby
1.     This Child-size instrument is a designed for producing a resonant chime that is pleasant and soothing to the ear (and the soul!)

2.     Tap the bars with the mallet. Notice that the sound lingers and Baby may be attentive as long as it resounds.

3.     These chimes are often used for meditation to center the mind and may be soothing to you as well.

4.     When Baby is a toddler, s/he will be interested in playing the chime bars herself!

5.     You may also sing or hum a tune while you tap a steady beat on the chime bars.

6.     Observe Baby’s reaction and adjust

·      Lay the chime bars on the floor next to Baby so that when you play it, Baby can feel the vibrations!

LESSON #3.  Wooden Bells Tactile mobile
1.     Hang the wooden bells on its string from a sturdy hook so that it is within the reach of Baby when s/he is lying on her back (Visual stimulation)

2.     Baby will likely begin to bat her hand at the ring and then eventually begin to grasp the ring and pull on it (Develops eye-hand coordination)

3.     When Baby can grasp the ring, this will cause the bells to make a sound (Aural stimulation and development of large and small motor)

4.     Observe Baby and adjust to what you feel is appropriate so that Baby is stimulated but not overwhelmed. (Develops trust and high self esteem

LESSON #4. Seashore Treasure Basket
 1.    Place one, two, or 3 of the shells inside the crochet basket (Visual stimulation and development of appreciation of Nature 

2.    Bring the basket to Baby and take out one of the objects (Aural stimulation) 

3.    Hold the object nearby so that Baby can see it clearly, and then give the vocabulary. Ex: “Sea shell”, “drift wood”, etc. (Language acquisition) 

4.    Place Baby’s hand on the object so that s/he can feel its texture (Sensory stimulation)

5.    Allow Baby to grasp the object, if s/he is interested. (Development of small muscles in the hand)

6.    Return the object to the basket. (This establishes the beginning of the Montessori process called “care of environment” and aids in the child’s desire for order in the environment)

7.    The larger shell can be held to Baby’s ear so that s/he can hear the quiet sound of the shell. (Aural stimulation)

8.    Allow Baby to explore the other objects in the Treasure Basket, if s/he is interested (Encourages independence)

9.    As always, observe and adjust.

****If you haven’t done so already, I recommend setting up a sturdy child-size shelf in Baby’s daytime play area. This begins the process of keeping an organized environment for the child in which there is a place for everything and everything in its place.

LESSON #5 Ball Rolling Toy
1.    Move the bell rolling toy close to Baby during tummy time (Aural and visual stimulation)

2.    Gently roll the toy on Baby’s arm or hand (Tactile and Aural stimulation)

3.    Give Baby the vocabulary: “roll”, “bell”, etc.(Development of Language)

4.    Place the bell rolling toy within Baby’s reach when s/he is having tummy time, to give Baby an incentive for grasping the rattle (Stimulates large motor movement and small muscle development of the hand)

5.    During tummy time, roll the toy a little ways from Baby to invite her to begin to creep after it. (Stimulates large and small motor development.

6.    Observe and adjust to Baby’s preferences.

Lesson #6. Wooden 2-Hand/Grasping Toy
1.    Place the wooden disk teether in its own little basket on Baby’s shelf. (Fosters Baby’s developing sense of order in the environment)

2.    Bring the basket to Baby’s play mat and remove wooden disk teether  and place it within Baby’s reach (Visual stimulation and large motor development)

3.    Roll wooden disk teether toy a short way to invite Baby to begin to creep toward it (Promotes Large Motor development)

4.    Place the wooden disk teether in Baby’s hand and gently encourage her to grasp. S/he will soon begin to grasp it with both hands (Development of eye-hand coordination and small muscles in the hand)

5.    When Baby is done, place the teether back in its basket and put it back on its place on the shelf. (Fosters Baby’s sense of order)

6.    Observe and adjust to Baby’s preferences

 LESSON #7. Black & White Board Book: Ocean
1. Place the Black and White board book on the floor mat during tummy time, where Baby can see and touch it. (Sensory stimulation)

2. Open the book and turn the pages as you show Baby and give the vocabulary Ex: “ocean”, “fish”, “octopus” etc. (Language development)

3. After a feeding, when Baby is cozy in your arms, show the book again and you can even sing the vocabulary words so that Baby is engaged in a sensory way. (I just make up the melody when I sing the words!)

4. Set up a small basket with 2 or 3 board books and then place this book basket on Baby’s shelf. (Contributes to Baby’s developing sense of order.)

5. Once again, observe and adjust to Baby’s cues. (Develops sense of trust and inner self worth.)

LESSON #8. First Doll Rattle
1.    Bring the Doll rattle in its basket over to the floor area where Baby is playing, then take the doll out and shake it so that Baby hears it. (Stimulates Aural and Visual sense)

2.    At this age, Baby is more and more interested in the human face. You can show Baby the doll and then point to the eyes, or arms, etc and give Baby the vocabulary words. (Language development)

3.    Place the Doll in Baby’s reach so that s/he can grasp it herself. (Aids in small muscle development)

4.    When Baby is done, place the Doll back in the basket and back on its place on the shelf. (Contributes to Baby’s sense of order and promotes the Montessori process of putting activities back on the shelf)

5.    Observe and adjust to your baby’s desires.

#9. Sensory Sounds Ball
This ball is made up of sections so that it is possible to place fingers in between so that it is easier for Baby to hold it.

1.    Place the sensory sounds ball on Baby’s floor mat during tummy time, so that Baby can see it and it is within her reach. (Visual stimulation)

2.    Grasp the ball with both hands and squeeze one of the sections to make its sound. (Aural stimulation)

3.    Gently roll the ball over Baby’s arms, legs, etc and sing or name the body part (give Baby the vocabulary in a sensory way)

4.    Try rolling the ball a short way from Baby to entice her to begin to grasp and then eventually creep toward the ball (Encourages large and small muscle development)

5.    When Baby is lying on her back, you can squeeze a section so that Baby hears the sound. Baby may even begin to grasp for the ball. (Develops small muscles in the hand later used for writing)

6.    In the Montessori pedagogy, this shape is called by its name in geometry: “sphere”. It is fun to give Baby this vocabulary since she is in the sensitive period for language!

7.    Observe Baby’s reaction and adjust

#10. Sensory Cube
1.    Bring the cube to Baby’s playmat and take it out of its basket. Rub one of the sides to create a sound so that Baby can hear it. (Aural stimulation)

2.    Show Baby how to grasp the ring on the cube. (Develops small motor development)

3.    During tummy time, place the cube near baby but slightly out of reach to encourage Baby to creep over to the cube. (Encourages large and small muscle development)

4.    Gently roll the cube over Baby’s bare arm or leg so that s/he feels the various textures on the cube. (Sensory stimulation)
5.    Give Baby the vocabulary: “cube’, “four”, “black”, “white”, “side”, etc. (Language development)

I hope you've gotten inspired to provide some lovely Music and Art activities in the Montessori style for your little one! 
So happy to have you visiting my Blog and I hope you will check out my upcoming Montessori Baby-Ed eCourses coming in the Spring of 2107! 

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